Volume 4, Issue 2 p. 81-84
Original Article

Quantification of glutamate, glutamine, and other metabolites in In Vivo proton NMR spectroscopy

W. M. M. J. Bovée

W. M. M. J. Bovée

Delft University of Technology, Department of Applied physics, PO Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands

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First published: April 1991
Citations: 17

This paper was presented in the frame of the minicategorial course organized by Dr Brian Ross during the SMRM meeting in New York, August 1990.


A reliable quantification of in vivo 1H MRS spectra is hampered by extensive line overlap, by intensity distortions due to the water suppressing pulse sequence and complex modulation patterns of J-coupled spins, and by deviations between the experimental and model lineshapes in computer fitting programs. By correcting the experimental lineshape, using a suitable pulse sequence, and incorporating prior knowledge about the spin systems and the intensity distortions, a sufficient quantification is possible. If reliable. T2 values are available absolute concentrations can be determined.